Thursday, May 28, 2009

Sudden Spark

I was thinking of something that my mom told me a while back. She said that there were three things that you don't discuss if you don't want to get into a fight with someone. I will now discuss the one that is probably the worst; Religion. Now please remember that this is my opinion and I'm not trying to convert anyone to my way of thinking. So hear me out or don't read this whatsoever. Your choice.

I believe that religion is as much corrupt as it is necessary. Religion is needed because we as humans need an explanation of the miracles of the world. Also we need to feel like there is some meaning to our existence and that we continue after our deaths. I can't possibly imagine just an abrupt end to everything. Not being able to be conscious in body or spirit. Man itself is not ready to face the possibility of nothing for we have never felt the true nothing. So we make religion to have a possibility of an unreal paradise.

The interesting thing about heaven and hell is that we experience these places in our minds every day. Heaven might be total peace of mind while hell might be the torrent of questions that keep obliterating our beliefs. Also many people look forward to death because they believe that God or some other divine being will tell them the answer to the question that everyone asks themselves at one point of their lives; what is the purpose of our lives (what is the meaning of life)? I like how in The Vampire Lestat (I think) where Lestat wonders if the meaning of life really is revealed. What will happen if there really is no reason or if it is not revealed? Will we have to suffer the question or the answer for ever or shall we just forget about everything? I gyess I'll just have to wait for the answer.

Back to our subject. I think that religion has brought suffering as much as it has brought peace of mind. Are they really so different that we kill each other just to prove that we're right? I guess that once we admit that there is another possibility then our whole belief system is put to question and then nothing seems to be able to completely mend our mental state.

I do have a bit of a quarrel with people who believe that humans are made in God's appearance and those who believe that Jesus will come and take his chosen people to wherever while he leaves the rest of us to die.
Discussing the first theory. I'm not saying that the people who believe this are wrong but there is also the possibility that God looks nothing like us. I for one have never seen him so I can't say what he looks like. If some human decided that he looked like us then that's fine but if someone else said that he was just energy or some other substance then they might be correct as well. I don't know and I don't think that any living person does either.
As for the second issue I don't belief that whatsoever. If I've learned anything about Christ (which I must admit isn't a lot but still) it's that he belived in the goodness of the human spirit which resides in every human being. And also, it says in the Bibloe that thow shall not kill. So how is leaving more than 50% of known living things, and the countless others that are unknown, to die not murder. It would be the biggest sin in the known history of humanity. Of the world even (I don't think that the meteor that killed the dinosaurs knew what it was doing).

So I don't want to knock religion but, just like anything else, it has it's valuable lessons and it's faults. I hope that no one has gotten offended by this because it is only an opinion. I hope that you respect that it is mine and don't judge me too harshly.

Sunday, May 24, 2009


Embarrassment. We've all felt it and we've all been told that it makes you a stronger person. I personally think that that's stupid. Learn from your mistakes sure but I think that I would be very happy if nothing embarrassing would happen to me.

Tonight (about 10 min. ago) I probably had one of the most embarrassing moments of my life so far. Me and my dad were eating pizza which had mushrooms, pepperoni, and sausage. I had my mouth full of the pizza but the cheese was not tearing. Then this huge sausage piece rolled of the pizza and into my shirt. I was freaking out. I couldn't exactly pull it out in front of my dad and I couldn't just leave it there. It was horrifying. So I said that I had to go to the bathroom. I hope that I got away without suspicion.

So whoever made up that crap about thick skin can go shove a sausage piece down his/her shirt in front of their parents and see how it feels.

I know the post was short but I have a challenge. Instead of reviewing, post your most embarrassing moment. Think that your brave enough? I promise I won't laugh (too much). I hope I read some really good ones.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Fear of the Dark

Fear. We've all felt it in one way or another. I went for a walk around 7:30 and it was just beginning to get dark. I got really jumpy all of a sudden and my neck tarted tingling. I kept walking but I noticed that every time I sa another person, I couldn't take my eyes off of them. When I looked at them I felt like they were the last thread that held me to sanity. That got me thinking about why everyone is afraid of the dark at some point of their life. I came up ith a fe reasons.

One reason is that e are afraid of what we can't see. No one likes the feeling that they're blind and helpless while their imagination stalks them through the empty streets. My imagination is my worst enemy and the horrible monster that lurks in my shadow.

Another reason is a sense of survival. This ties in with not being able to see or sense anything. Your intincts jut go berserk during this time and a gentle breeze can feel like some creature ripping at your flesh.

I also think that the fear is taught to you by your parents. They have always told you to stay home after sunset because the monsters outside ill grab you and eat you. Then, when you're older they expect you to just overcome those fears. Unfortunately you can't press the delete button and have everything go away.

These are the main reasons why I think that I'm afraid of the dark so forget the bed bugs and hope that you live through your dreams.

Sunday, May 3, 2009


What do you feel is a waste of time? What isn't? Which things are put at the top of the to-do-list and which ones can wait?

I know I haven't blogged in more than a while. I keep running out of time for anything computer related. I actually haven't gone on the computer all week. Yesterday was my first time since April 22 which also happened to be the latest blog entry.

So I thought I'd write about timing and what is worth doing and what isn't. I feel that blogging and reading fan fictions are a waste of time. No one other than my friends reads this blog and I can tell them what I feel at school instead of spending time writing it on here. As for fan fictions, they're just remakes of the original.

So why do I keep doing it? Maybe because I want to write ideas down so that the future me can see what I used tot think. Maybe because I want to do what almost all of my friends are doing. I doubt it's any of those reasons. In reality I really have no idea why I keep doing this. All I know is that it's become a habit for me. As for fan fiction, some authors make Jasper really spicy!!!

I don't really have any priorities other than homework. I don't even do chores. Everyone has things to do and it's funny how we sacrifice time for things that we probably don't need to do or fuss about.

My to-do-list is probably filled to the brink with things that don't really need to be done. Like cleaning my room. That's what grandma's for. Just kidding. She likes to clean my room. It can be spotless and she'll still vacuum or dust. She's a good example of someone wasting their time without knowing that it's being wasted.

What things are really worth doing? I have no idea. If you think about it logically even homework has no real value. It's just a piece of paper that teaches us a lesson that we'll forget anyway. In the end it's just a waste of time and resources. I guess travelling is worth time but does it matter? I don't really think so.

Maybe time is just something we create for ourselves to keep us nervous and in line. Imagine a place without time. You could do anything or nothing and it wouldn't matter. I don't know if I would like that or not but it wouldn't matter in that place anyway.

This post is probably another waste of time since it is confusing and not really interesting but I felt like I had to write it. I hope it's interesting enough to keep you reading the better ones to come.