Wednesday, January 6, 2010

New Year

I know I'm writing this a bit late and I'm sorry if this bothers you snotty perfectionists. Just kidding. Everyone is making their New Year's resolution and this year I've made a few myself. This is significant for me because I usually don't have any resolutions until June or maybe even later. So here are my New Year's resolutions for anyone who cares.

1. Don't act like the world is coming to an end when my ipod, cell phone, or internet aren't working
2. Weigh less than 120 lbs. (currently 123)
3. Do something different this year (anything exciting or extravagant)
4. Finish and publish my fanfiction
5. Showing the shy, nice, and sensitive part of me that people rarely see
6. Be nice to those I hate
7. Don't be pushy about friends' secrets, they'll tell me when they are ready
8. Not think of killing my cousin every time I see him
9. Don't be greedy
10. Don't get annoyed at people so easily, they probably think I'm even more annoying
11. Don't make mean or snide jokes about my friends, most times they know I'm joking but I don't want to hurt them if they take some stuff seriously

I'll probably think of more but for now I think that's all I can handle. I know I'm not going to succeed in all of these things but I hope I get close to reaching the more important things.

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