Friday, February 6, 2009

Weekends, Parent Problems, and Other Stuff

I"m so excited that it"s the weekend. I hope that I don't have to do anything.

Except for helping with my baby sister. I wish I had a picture for her. She isn't even a month old yet.

My mom always gets mad because I don't spend enough time out of my room but I feel that she needs to respect my personal space a little more. Not to mention that I don't enjoy their ( my mom and her new husband) company. Carey's mother came yesterday and this morning she had the nerve to call Carey ( my mom's husband- he's a guy) my father. It really got me upset but I've never really liked her anyway. I almost corrected her but my mom's got this thing about me "interrupting people when they talk. She always interrupts me.

My shift button still doesn't work and I'm getting frustrated.

I can't wait!!!! My dad's gonna get me a new laptop for my birthday. I just hope that his girlfriend doesn't need any money cause he always helps her out. Not that that's a bad thing. i really like her. She's funny and stuff but sometimes I feel really left out.

My friend Maya is really good to talk to about this stuff. She knows how it feels for your parents to be divorced. And she always knows how to make me laugh.


  1. i wish i could know how you feel but i don't. i think you should give carey and his family a chance to actually be a family or "Step" family to you. its probably hard to except though so i wouldnt know
