Thursday, March 19, 2009


I was hanging with my dad and we were talking about all of the things that made us happy. I noticed that some of the things I said had never even mattered to me before. So I decided to take a survey of w hat made us happy, sad, and angry when we were seven, what makes us feel a certain way now, and what we think will affect us in the future. So this is what I came up with.


7 years old

-1o min. extra recces
-Daddy-daughter time
-free choice friday
-praise from parents


-wearing dresses
-seeing mom
-being with friends
-reading a good book
-being around people
-when the dog doesn't bark
-good grades
-being accepted by others


-a raise
-see kids happy
-not to be bankrupt
-good sleep/rest


7 years old

-parents not there
-no recces
-pets dying
-getting splinters
-divorced parents
-not getting what I want
-not going to school
-dad coming home late
-being picked on


-school pot smoker
-no friends
-pets dying
-parents fighting
-going to school
-parent(mostly mom)
-kicked off computer
-bad grades


-seeing our kids sad
-loss of close people
-losing job
-watching kids grow up


7 years old

-not getting what I want
-sister having her own room and I didn't
-sharing with sibling
-unfair treatment


-being sick
-stupid people
- boys
-reading logs
-annoying people
-gossip about me and my friends


-stupid people
-bad drivers

So after careful thinking it seems that the most emotional time is right now. All of the people I interviewed were girls so this has nothing to do with guys and I really hope that this doesn't offend anyone. :)

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